The Theory

Anatomy of the Proton

Dipole Electron Flood Theory is a new Atomic model that changes the nucleus from a completely positive into a dipole made of tiny dipoles called Dirac Neutrinos instead of a large positive-only core. Protons and Neutrons are made of dipoles in certain stable quantities that we now call atoms in various sizes.

All Protons are odd-numbered dipoles of approximately 1839 dipoles and Neutrons are even numbers of dipoles of about 1840.

The two ways the dipole nuclei are possibly set up are…
A: Dark Muon Neutrino Core surrounded by the White ( RGB ) Electron Neutrinos like an eggshell around the black center. It appears they are equal in number but opposite in charge.

B: Dark Muon Neutrino Core layered by the White ( RGB ) Electron Neutrinos overlapping around the black center. Also equal in number but opposite in charge.

Possible Configurations:

For graphical representation ONLY, NOT accurate in the number of particles.

The particles that make the Nucleus.

White Electron

The White Electron neutrinos can change sizes depending upon how strongly they are concussed. At rest the White bits seem to almost disappear but in flight these tiny white “Fields” force themselves through the fields of the other molecules and particles of dust and even light fields as they pass by which slows them down.

Evey single particle is surrounded by a field which (in flight) causes the particle field duality which has always been referred to. The particle contains the Fixed Black Muon carrier part called a Boson and the Boson is fixed to the White Electron Neutrino Particle called a fermion which has the field energy.

Dark Muon

The Muon neutrinos are fixed sized solid Black particles that never change size and do not emit or absorb or reflect but they attract the white particles very strongly. That is the Strong Nuclear Force. All flavors of Muons are exactly the same size and shape in our experiments as seen. The color is the spin rate and blue is fastest and red slowest.

The Muons are the Dark Matter and Gravity that we have been searching for. We are normally unable to see Dark Matter (muons) because the dark Muon core is always surrounded by the White Electron coating we never have een the Dark part until it is separated and sits on top of the White. This simply blocks the white so we see the Black balls on the White Shower.

All White parts oppose all other white parts which is “Electric Field” energy. All black parts attract white parts and form balls in the center of the white coating. The dark matter only pushes or sucks the white electrons.

The black core is so attractive it pulls more white parts (electrons) against the core but are not allowed in because the correct number of electrons is already fully surrounding the Dark Matter Muon core. The additional electrons that want into the center are pushed away by the coating and kept at a quantum distance from the Core…this is what we call the orbiting electrons.

The smallest “Stable” quantity of electron dipoles is a Hydrogen H1. After that Larger and larger cores are larger and larger atoms with larger fields so they are surrounded by more and more orbiting electrons. The orbiting electrons can share with other atoms creating molecules as seen in the standard model.

Isotopes are simply atoms with more or less orbiting electrons and usually are not completely stable….so they have half lives as they absorb or lose the electrons and drift to stability.

Differences from the Standard Model

Using Pulsed Lasers and a tuned Field crushing Venturi to create the Sterile Muons and Electron-Showers photons can be seen. Usually, you can only see these particles using CMOS detectors found in extremely high-end detectors like the ones used at CERN and laboratories around the world. Now they have been observed via the ones currently in smartphones as Rod Warren’s Light experiments have shown.

Photons are Dipoles Strongly attached to each other but the Venturi if tuned properly will separate the white from the black (fission) and instantly they reattached (fusion) as also will be seen in the experiments.


are attached to muons normally and appear to have almost no mass at all but have an extreme attraction to muons and are heat and light and create electricity in conductive materials


are the tiniest fixed particle and is dark matter and dark energy and is also Cold and Gravity. Muons have mass and there are approx 1839 or so in each proton. Muons form black holes in all matter and can grow quite large in outer space.


are light that is in travel. The masses change. The change happens until they concuss into photons completely. Neutrinos keep changing their mass values as they stack up against other fields until they concuss as Photons


are simply Dirac Neutrinos consisting of a black and white particle attached. Gluons seem to be electricity and heat which flows when pushed by White electron Fields or pulled by Dark Matter.


are simply 2 Gluons back to back like bar magnets attached.

All other matter is made of these basic particles and as CERN splits protons the end result is Muons and Electron Showers and a Zoo of other particles in other quantities but all contain only muons and electron neutrinos in different masses.

Changes to Science

Due to Dipole Electron Flood Theory what changes in Science? With the mounting evidence leading to the realization that the universe and everything in it is made up of these dipole particles changes will need to take place in academic textbooks of all different sciences.


The periodic table changes very little however isotopes are now well understood as simply extra or missing electrons in atoms. It has yet to be established if the core can also have extra or missing dipoles that would create new “atoms” or change an atoms ability to create new molecules. chemistry but it seems certain that the orbiting electrons can simply be plump or thin with electrons in orbit.


Everything in Space changes. This is a major change in how we see the Universe and will require a very detailed explanation. We need to address every interaction in the quantum foam of space which is not a vacuum. Space contains lots of dust and charged particles and light and massive bits like Stars and Planets and Moons…comets asteroids etc. Everything in space has magnetic fields around it no matter how small or how big. I have shown light speeds up and slows down and others have proven light can change speed and stay slowed down. Every bit of light from distant stars passes through these fields and slows down.

Spacetime & Distances

Truth be told…we are lost in Space and have no idea how far anything is from us because the “Golden Rule” that light Never Slows down is known to be wrong but still in 2023 is considered the “Gold Standard” for light. The second claim that Space is a vacuum is completely obviously wrong and still Strongly embraced by most or possibly every (employed) top physicist to this very day. A third claim is Electron Flooding in biology.

Red Shift

100% of light research is based on the Einstein claim that light travels at 186,000 mi/sec in a vacuum but Space is no vacuum so light is slowing down not necessarily being pulled away due to expansion of the Universe. This is the most important impact on the “Space Exploration” claims.